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Hi, I know maybe is too early to think in what 2009 prepare to us but is fun to especulate after all. So I open this topic to know which is your wishlist for 2009? :'-) This is an star wars only wishlist ;-) .

From my part I want:

Emergency firespeeder the one that took off the fire of the Invisible Hand becuase it have a cool color scheme and is a cool ship. We never had a firefighter ship before so I think this could be a nice addition to the line :'-). It may comes with two firefighters.

An Endor bunker is other it could be really cool if include a real bunker and not a bunker door like in the Hoth rebel base with some vegetation and two speeder bikes. It may comes with Endor luke, leia and han in endor outfit. two rebels and two scouties.

Endor battlepacks, two of them one with two endor rebels and two new colored ewoks with a catapult of an ewok flyer. And the empire one with three scouties and an officer in black suit or maybe other scoutie, this with two speeder bikes.

This is my wishlist at the moment :'-) , so which is yours.

Posted (edited)
From my part I want:

Emergency firespeeder the one that took off the fire of the Invisible Hand becuase it have a cool color scheme and is a cool ship. We never had a firefighter ship before so I think this could be a nice addition to the line :'-). It may comes with two firefighters.

I also want one of those! *sing*

But I also want these:





A better version of the swamp speeder


A Tie Defender


A T4-B rebel tank


And last but not least an Ep.II clone battlepack (1 Arc trooper,1 clone pilot and 2 regular clone troopers)

Edited by Stealth Hunter
Posted (edited)

For the January line-up (note: I chose random set numbers that more than likely already exist):

8720 Rebel Defense

Edited by The Kid
8722 Darth Vader's TIE Advanced ?17.99

Darth Vader takes to the skies in his personal modified TIE Fighter! Includes Darth Vader with lightsaber, Imperial Technician and Cargo Vehicle.

Not another Tie Advanced! :-X I already have two of these!

Posted (edited)
Hi, I know maybe is too early to think in what 2009 prepare to us but is fun to especulate after all. So I open this topic to know which is your wishlist for 2009? :'-) This is an star wars only wishlist ;-) .

From my part I want:

Emergency firespeeder the one that took off the fire of the Invisible Hand becuase it have a cool color scheme and is a cool ship. We never had a firefighter ship before so I think this could be a nice addition to the line :'-). It may comes with two firefighters.

An Endor bunker is other it could be really cool if include a real bunker and not a bunker door like in the Hoth rebel base with some vegetation and two speeder bikes. It may comes with Endor luke, leia and han in endor outfit. two rebels and two scouties.

Endor battlepacks, two of them one with two endor rebels and two new colored ewoks with a catapult of an ewok flyer. And the empire one with three scouties and an officer in black suit or maybe other scoutie, this with two speeder bikes.

This is my wishlist at the moment :'-) , so which is yours.

It's never too early to specualte my friend. ;-)

My Wishlist for SW 2009 as follows: Note: might aswell be a dream-list.

Star Wars Modular Building Series- basicly big or not so big SW building broken into diff. parts to make them cheaper, and also so they can include more figs.

Note: details have been edited out in favor of just using general ideas.

SWMB Ideas as follows:

Kamino Cloning Facility

Jedi Temple

Hoth Echo Base

Death Star

Endor Bunker

Mos Eisley

Jabba's Palace

Star Wars Modular Building Series On!

General Tarful

EDIT: And of course I want an original mold Phase 1 Clone Trooper BP! Includes 1 Yellow commander, Red Sergent, Green Jetpack Trooper, 2 RegularTroopers, and 1 Speeder Bike. Price $15.00USD

Edited by GeneralTarful


- TIE Defender

- Gian Speeder

- Mace Windu Jedi Starfighter

- IG Lancer droid vs Lancer swoop bike clones


- Bail Organa speeder

for me please :)


Build your own Episode 3 Jedi Starfighter. Like the old Build your own train which was the same train in different colors.

I think its a great little ship and wouldn't mind expanding my fleet.

Other than a set with a Tauntaun, thats about it. Hopefully they can surprise me with something I didn't know I wanted until I see it in its glory.


Posted (edited)
Build your own Episode 3 Jedi Starfighter. Like the old Build your own train which was the same train in different colors.

I think its a great little ship and wouldn't mind expanding my fleet.

Other than a set with a Tauntaun, thats about it. Hopefully they can surprise me with something I didn't know I wanted until I see it in its glory.


Delta 7's own Eta-2s! :-P So of course I want a Build Your Own Episode 2 Jedi Starfighter deal. X-D But I wouldn't be that upset with a Build Your Own Eta-2 either.

Some more original ideas now...


UT-AT "Trident"



Swamp Speeder

Lancer Swoop Bike Squad

Kashyyyk Clone Trooper Battle Pack- 2 Kashyyyk Troopers, 2 Wookie Warriors and a BARC speeder bike

Mygeeto Clone Battle Pack- 2 Galactic Marines, 2 Dark Red Troopers, and a Turret

Underwater Trooper Battle Pack- 3 Underwater Troopers and Kit Fisto plus some sort of crapy underwater vehicle

ARC Trooper Battle Pack- 1 Red, 1 Blue, 1 Green, 1 Yellow, plus some heavy weapons and Speeder Bike

Geonosis Battle Pack- 4 original mold Phase 1 Troopers (1 Pilot, 1 Seargent, and two normal troopers) and a Dark red Speeder Bike


MT-AT "Spider Walker"

Phase 1 ARC Trooper Battle Pack- Captain Fordo, 1 Blue, 1 Blue with modified helmet and a Reciprocating Quad Blaster , 1 Red with Z-6 Rotary Blaster Cannon

Reference Pics for the 'Blue with modified helmet and a Reciprocating Quad Blaster and the Red with 'Z-6 Rotary Blaster Cannon':

Blue- RecipQuadBlaster.jpg

Red (In the picture it's a Blue ARC.) - Arctroop2.JPG

Thats about all I can think of at the moment...

General Tarful

Edited by Tarfful
Posted (edited)

TIE Defender- $19.99

Azure Angel- $29.99

Invisible Hand- $89.99

Jedi Temple *Exclusive Anniversary set*- $149.99

AAT- $19.99

Hoth Rebel BP- $9.99

4 Rebel Troopers and laser dish

Snowtrooper BP- $9.99

4 Snowtroopers and speeder bike

Endor Bunker!- $99.99

2008 Wish item

For the Brickmaster Exclusive SW set:

Hoth Luke with Taun Taun *wub*

However a CW set with Mace, Yoda, ARC clone would be just as great!


Edited by Piranha
TIE Defender- $19.99

Azure Angel- $29.99

Invisible Hand- $89.99

Jedi Temple *Exclusive Anniversary set*- $149.99

AAT- $19.99

Hoth Rebel BP- $9.99

4 Rebel Troopers and laser dish

Snowtrooper BP- $9.99

4 Snowtroopers and speeder bike

Endor Bunker!- $99.99

2008 Wish item

For the Brickmaster Exclusive SW set:

Hoth Luke with Taun Taun *wub*

However a CW set with Mace, Yoda, ARC clone would be just as great!


Great ideas Piranha, I especiall love the idea of a Azure Angel. *wub*


Heres my wish list, E.U. fun.

Corran Horn's Green Cor Sec X-Wing Starfighter

TIE Defender

A real Outrider

The Virago

E-Wing Starfighter

V-Wing Airspeeder


Isn't the Tie Defender one of the sets listed to come out later this year?

ALthough I've just gone to brickset, where I had seen it before and it seems to be gone now. Does anyone know why this is? Was it from some unreliable source like wikipedia?


Here are my ideas!

Jedi Temple


Includes : Master Yoda, Mace Windu, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Obi-Wan Kenobi, 5 jedis, jedi temple archives, jedi council room, training room, meditation room, starfighters hangar...

Minifig scale death star!


Includes : The emperor, Darth Vader, 2 royal guards, 2 officiers, 3 NEW death star troopers, 4 stormtroopers, 1 astromech droid, 1 tie pilot...

Rooms : Emperor throne room, conference room, hangar, magnet control system (the one that ben kenobi deactivated in ep. IV) and many corridors

EP.II clone battle pack

Includes : 3 Phase I clone troopers, 1 ARC trooper, 1 clone pilot (speeder bike)

Acclamator assault ship


Includes 6 clone troopers, Anakin Skywalker, Hangar, command bridge, 2 mini arc-170 fighters or v-19

Invisible hand


Includes : General Grievous, count dooku, 4 battle droids, 3 super battle droids, nemoidian commander

Rooms : command bridge, throne room, elevator, hangar...

Re-edition of the AAT


Includes : 1 droid pilot, 1 droid commander, 3 battle droids

Gungan army!


Includes : 6 gungans soldiers, 4 kaadus, 2 fambaas, Jar Jar Binks and Captain Tarpals

Crab droid


That thing : Octuptarra_negtd.jpg

Imperial shuttle (re-edition)


Includes : Tie Pilot, 2 stormtroopers, the emperor and 2 royal guards

Rebel cruiser Home One


Includes : Admiral Ackbar, Mon Mothma, 4 rebel soldiers, 2 rebel pilots, command bridge, hangar, weapons room, escape pod...

Jabba's palace (re-edition)


Includes : Jabba, Bib Fortuna, Boba Fett, 2 jawas, 1 Boma'r Monk, 2-3 droids, 3 gammorean guards, a new RANCOR, Salacious crumb and 2 dancers

Rooms : Main room, gate, rancor arena, a prison, corridors...

Anakin's transformation to the dark side


Includes : Palpatine's office, Palpatine minifig, Mace Windu, Anakin, Kit Fisto and 2 jedis (when mace says : You're under arrest chancellor!)

Jedi battle pack


Includes : 1 jedi master, 3 jedi knights, jedi starfighter (EP.III)

Trade Federation cruiser


Includes : Vice-roy Nute Gunray, Rune Haako, protocol droid DC-14, 2 destroyer droids, 2 vulture droids, 6 battle droids

Yavin duel


Includes : Anakin skywalker ep.II style, Asajj Ventress, massassi temple, 4 trees

Anakin's wedding :


Includes : Anakin, Padme (with wedding clothes), C3-PO, R2-D2, monk and a little platform naboo style

Captain's Fordo ARC team :


Includes : Captain Fordo, 4 ARC troopers, shark gunship *skull*

Utapau battle :


Includes : 8 clone troopers, 6 battle droids, 3 super battle droids, 2 crab droids, obi wan with Boggah, commander Cody and the separatist base

In the UCS:

Tie Fighter

Venator cruiser


Republic Gunship

Posted (edited)

I have other ideas:

Neimodian Shuttle-$39.99

Include: Nute Gunray, droid pilot and nemoidian.

Extra: Some Utapau thingy and one blaster.

Solar Sailor-$54.99

Include: Count Dooku and droid pilot.

Extra: Landing plattaform,some tools and Dooku´s lightsaber.


Include: Droid pilot, droid commander, battle droid and gungan warrior (new colored head).

Extra: three blasters, gungan shield and some gungan weapon.

And the always first wave starfigther:

Saesee Tiin Strafighter-$19.99

Include: Saesee Tiin (Of course)

Extra: Saesee Tiin´s lightsaber.

Just imagine the *wub* color scheme of the Saesee Tiin starfighter a cool orange :'-).

I pass my 100 post :-D .

Edited by darkrebellion

Tie Phantom, $29.99

Includes Tie Pilot.

Rebel T2-B Tank, $19.99

Includes Pilot and two Rebel Troopers.

That's all I could think of for now.


I would like a set along the lines of the new hailfire droid set, but with ep. 2 clones. An arc trooper , generic clones etc. I am not familiar with medium size clone vehicles but one would need to be there. If it would be like this they could make new battle packs with hoth or endor rebels!


To start with, how about....

-Boonta Eve Podrace with more podracers and watto

-And a Giant Watto's Junkyard with customers and repair bay


-Larger Mos Eisley Cantina (Already have the old one though)

-Emporer's Throne Room with a few royal guards

-Battle of Naboo with a ton of gungans (I AM NOT JOKING)

-Ep. 2 Battle pack #1--Clones

-Ep. 2 Battle pack #2--Geonosians/Droids

-Battle in Geonosian Arena (mostly jedi figs in small set)

-Some other Original Trilogy set

Here are (some of) my ideas!

Gungan army!


Includes : 6 gungans soldiers, 4 kaadus, 2 fambaas, Jar Jar Binks and Captain Tarpals

Jedi battle pack


Includes : 1 jedi master, 3 jedi knights, jedi starfighter (EP.III)

a Gungan and Jedi battle pack woulb be cool, Gungans are very cool in Lego (not so cool in the film) and the Jedi pack could even contain regular Jedis's to save costs, it would still be a great set.

The only thing I really want for 2009 would be any set including Tauntaun's (again). I think the focus will really go to the Clone Wars these next years, I doubt there will be any good new OT and NT sets.

Posted (edited)
No,it�s an Octuptarra droid. :-D

The list clearly said " TIE Defender or Droid Gunship". As we already have a first pic of the Droid Gunship, I�m sure there isn�t going to be a TIE Defender this year.

Same thing. :-P

Yep, looks like there's going to be no TIE Defender for all you OT EU junkies out there, if you don't believe us just look at BrickSet, there's no TIE Defender listed. ;-)

But that's fine for me, I like the PT and all the Republic's glory a lot better then any Galactic Empire... but hey thats just me. X-D

On another note a Gungan Grand Army set would be very cool, and of course a redo of the AAT, Gian Speeder, and maybe even a Moular Theed Palace to go with it, that would be very cool indeed. >:-)


Edited by Tarfful

hmmm... i changed my mind: i want the chrome royal starship as the 10th anniversary set, because TLG started with that episode, right? i think i would be very iconic and spectacular, and would be around $150/euros because of the chrome. i also want endor, jedi temple, and tipoca city sets. *sweet*

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