Maaboo the Witch

Eurobricks Grand Dukes
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About Maaboo the Witch

  • Birthday 01/08/1991

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    Technic, Animal Crossing
  • Which LEGO set did you recently purchase or build?
    42114 Volvo 6x6 Articulated Hauler

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    Northampton, UK
  • Interests
    LEGO Technic


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    Great Britain
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  1. It's a bit similar to the official B-model. Plus, that gear on the back looks a little hard to access.
  2. Maaboo the Witch

    Grum's Shed

    Sounds like you've had a rough go of it. Great to hear that you're through the worst, though. Take as much time as you need to feel better, and all the best.
  3. The low loader has a kickstand for when it's detached from the truck. Pretty cool. Not enough trailers in previous sets have one if you ask me.
  4. Actually, they look pretty accurate scale-wise. Note the size of the operator relative to each excavator. It f*cking well better have one!
  5. Moreover, the danger stripes on the dipper stick are inaccurate, as the real thing doesn't have them. I don't understand it - the EW160E is accurate right down to the smallest detail, and it's incredible that TLG couldn't repeat that for the EC230.
  7. I like it as well, but it does have some glaring flaws.
  8. It's a portable power unit; let's just leave it there.
  9. Before we do just that, this is the bucket that should have been used.
  10. No, it's definitely two buckets.
  11. Nice to see this part making a reappearance in the EC230!
  12. You can see the division very faintly if you look closely, and the gap between the two is noticeable where both buckets curve.