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About imurvai

  • Birthday 08/08/1975

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  1. I tried that but didn't help. Do I need to leave it disconnected for some time?
  2. Hi, yes, unfortunately the servo calibration is only working on Android yet - my ios dev environment went down and I haven't had time to fix it :(. Also my Buwizz 3 has stopped working (I left it in my drawer for a couple of months and now I can't charge it up), so not sure when I can fix it.
  3. Hi, the stepper hasn't been implemented properly for BW3. I need some more time to figure out how it's working. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  4. Yes, it's a known issue. For some BW2s the ports are swapped. If I have time I'll add a config setting for it.
  5. Hi, actually something similar is implemented in BC2, maybe not that accurate than your implementation. I see. It is up to the PID parameters set for the servo. Currently it is hardcoded and I tried to find a general setting. I'm planning to make it adjustable through the UI.
  6. Thanks for the videos. Yes, the PU hub servo is a harder issue as the PID should have been done in the app itself, but for the BW3 it is handled by the device so it's more accurate and faster. Ah, I saw your message on github but completly forgot about that. Sorry for that. I'll look into how I can add those buttons.
  7. TBH I've never tried the speed servo mode, but you made me curious :) So I'll investigate it.
  8. TBH no idea. I have no control over the current used by the motors (at least I'm not aware of any command that can control it). Normal mode uses the PWM control. Thanks for the testing ;)
  9. I'm not sure how BW3 works internally (PWM I think?). And what do you mean by the power comes in waves? Can you make a video on it?
  10. Thanks for the feedback. I try to set better PID values, or alternatively I'll consider adding a setting page for customizing the PID parameters.
  11. Hi, Please be informed that BrickController2 version 3.3 has been released for Android containing the servo support for BuWizz 3. The iOS version will come later as my dev environment went down and need to be fixed. Please let me know if you find any issues. Happy playing! :)
  12. Yes, there will be option for manual calibration as well. The same way as for the Technic hub. It's almost done, there is only one edge case I need to resolve.
  13. Hi, PFx Brick is not supported unfortunately as I don't have that device.
  14. I think it's possible by setting up a toggle button with the servo, but I have to check it...
  15. Currently I'm working on the proper servo handling for BW3 including the auto-calibration too. I'll let you know when it's done.