
Eurobricks Vassals
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About TeeNuggetTa

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    Star Wars
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    Imperial AT Hauler

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  1. I hope not, in 2020 we still got a kama for the 212th Airborne trooper. It may just depend on whether they want the figure to sit down or not
  2. The 187th battalion seen in Season 7 is the 91st Recon Corps I'm pretty sure. In canon Mace Windu doesn't have his own legion, he just commands part of the 91st.
  3. Pls no, I hope its not the 187th troopers as they aren't canon and are pretty underground. Why does lego sometimes make random clone legions like the Phase 2 Geonosis and 187th battalion? Ah well, hopefully its just a mistake and that its actually just the 91st Recon Corps seen in TCW S7 with Windu on Annaxes.
  4. I think you might be mistaken, the accessory packs often contain 4 full figures not just pauldrons and belts.
  5. I don't think the Skywalker Saga AT-AT is going to be the UCS version. The Skywalker Saga AT-AT looks just like an upscaled 2020 AT-AT with very little added detail from the larger scale, even some of the colouring is in the same places but with just larger bricks. I hope that the UCS version looks better than that.
  6. This may be the case in America, but due to a number of reasons, the summer 2020 wave was really hard to find on shelves in Australia. I only saw a single AAT maybe around half a dozen Anakin Jedi Interceptors and never saw the 501st battlepack despite visiting stores very frequently and even in multiple states.
  7. They did give the Airbone trooper a kama last year, I think that if Rex is going to be in a vehicle like the Y-Wing he may not have a kama, but if he's just a figure thrown into a set and doesn't need to operate the vehicle he'll come with his kama.
  8. While I do think Lego's quality has really increased with its figures such as all the new clone faces and all the various toe printing, the new 501st clone style looks so knockoff its not funny. They created some random art-style that blended both but also added its own random elements. I'm happy to have them, but I would rather have them look like either the movies or the show. I really just want a consistent Phase II clone style, It looks weird to display the 501st clones with either the realistic clones or the clone wars versions.
  9. Yeah he's the only main character that's missing and the Blurrgs were super utilised in the first season.
  10. Has anyone identified or been able to translate the name of the 3rd Mandalorian in the Mandalorian Starfighter?
  11. Damn, I would rather have had this Slave I be based of ESB. Because now I have to think about either purchasing another Slave I or getting ripped off for the new Boba off Bricklink.
  12. At least both sets are the same price so it shouldn't be too hard for them to give him arm printing
  13. Apparently its his full armoured appearance with a jetpack, can't remember if he has arm printing or not, but its still gonna be sweet.
  14. Oh my god, I'm absolutely blind. I thought Wreckers shoulders were like the Praetorian Guard piece.
  15. But there doesn't appear to be any neck bracket? It looks as if the shoulders are moulded into the body. Perhaps there is a new type of bracket that I haven't seen, but it looks different to me.