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About m4st3rt3ch

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  • What is favorite LEGO theme? (we need this info to prevent spam)
    <p> star wars </p>

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  1. Nice one! I especially like the cockpit and the landing gear.
  2. m4st3rt3ch


    Very charming :)
  3. m4st3rt3ch

    Millenium Falcon and AT-AT

    Hi, i think most people will agree, when i say we won't see another UCS Falcon or AT-AT for more than 5 years. The first Falcon was sold from 2007 until 2010, the second was realeased 2017 and will be on shelf for ~6 years, when it's discontinued. I highly doubt a new release this decade. The AT-AT is just bad for its price. That will take even longer for a new one. If it doesn't hurt your wallet too much and if you really want them, look for a discount. The Falcon is at $680 on ebay.
  4. m4st3rt3ch

    What was your first LEGO Star Wars set?

    Yoda's Jedi Starfighter 75168
  5. Stackpole? I'd go full Battletech/Shadowrun-nerd on him. I don't know how often i read both series over the years, but it was often. His Warrior and Kerensky-trilogies are magnificent. And not to forget his DragonCrown Wars. *drool* On another note, i envy your talent. Others like Jerac may excel at larger scale, but you are the Lord of Mini-MOCs.
  6. I know it doesn't belong here, but this is really special. The only surviving movie replica of Han's DL-44 blaster is up for auction tomorrow. https://www.rockislandauction.com/detail/86/1247 EDIT: It has been sold for a whoppin' $1,057,500.
  7. m4st3rt3ch

    [MOC] T-47 Airspeeder

    Looks really good! I love the use of the old windscreen :)
  8. m4st3rt3ch

    New ties incoming? (a theory)

    My point is solely the "you blinked, you missed. Here have a set of it". My understanding is, that LEGO sometimes has no say and has to obey the guys with the license. But i would LOVE a TIE Bomber. Or a Brute. Or both. Because TIE is love, TIE is life.
  9. m4st3rt3ch

    New ties incoming? (a theory)

    *cough* 75178 *cough*
  10. m4st3rt3ch

    [MOC] Invisible Hand with Full Interior

    Nice features and interior. The stand looks very fragile, the MOC must be perfectly balanced. And the frame must be sturdy af to hold on those tiny hooks.
  11. That was quick and it looks good :) I hope we'll get Black Krrsantan in a set.
  12. m4st3rt3ch

    [MOC] TIE-Raptor

    Cute :) The platform as display stand is a cool idea.