
Eurobricks Dukes
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About mostlytechnic

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    bait, wait, SCUM!!
  • Birthday 11/25/1978

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  1. mostlytechnic

    Main Street Mafia 3 - Conclusion

    Ah, darn. Yeah, I realized too late that if we were wrong, we'd lose since the scum would nightkill a townie and it'd be 1:1. I almost convinced myself that Lily had to be the liar (2 cops was just too much) but didn't. Partially because I really DID find a game setup on mafiascum called the Yoguraimee C9, which is 7 players (2 cops, 1 doc, 2 vanilla town, 2 scum). I figured maybe Bob watered down one of the cops to parity cop since we only had 6 people. I also for some reason didn't really put much thought into why no scum kill night 2, but that's good since it was an unexpected vest that I didn't know I had :) If I HAD known, I probably would have guessed that they tried to kill me and maybe played day 2 and 3 a little different, like claimed right away day 3 with the info I knew. It's been ages since I've played a Mafia game, so I was seriously rusty. There's no way I should have fallen for that cop claim. Tariq, any particular reason you claimed to have investigated Shadows? That's really what did it - since I'd checked him out too, I fell for your claim way more than I should have. I feel like 6 is a tough way to play. It was way too quiet since there weren't many people, which means not much to actually go on or make accusations from. Normally by the time a game is down to 6 people, there's been days and days of talk to go over. Also, for what it's worth, I thought my parity cop role was fun but had the potential to be SUPER swingy in a game this small. Basically I learned nothing night 1, and then on night 2 I could potentially win the game if I happened to investigate the right people. In this case, I DID investigate one of the scum, but it was the one we lynched. If I'd only investigated Tariq instead of shadows (and I almost did) we would have won since I've have caught him. Oh well. Tariq and Duvors, congrats! And Classic_Spaceman, sorry we killed you by mistake, but you were fun to have around. I think you did the best character roleplay in the game.
  2. mostlytechnic

    Main Street Mafia 3 - Day Three

    So, we've got our 3 votes and now it's been so much silence.
  3. mostlytechnic

    Main Street Mafia 3 - Day Three

    After a bit of thought, I'm going to keep my vote as stated because it is possible that Lily and I are both telling the truth and we'll win with this lynch. However, there is a fair chance that Lily is lying. In that case, we'll know in the morning and can lynch her tomorrow. I'm a bit hesitant to believe that we would have two different cops in such a small scenario. I actually stopped at the store, looked through all their micro setups, and only found 1 that had multiple cops. Here's how Lily lying could work... this whole section is hypothetical. The scum have a tracker/watcher type role that saw me investigate Heather. Therefore Lily claims to have investigated Heather since they're assuming I know her alignment (they couldn't be sure WHAT role I have, but have to play it safe). She can claim anything about Robert since he was dead night 1, and Lily could be a killer who actually killed Robert, so claiming to have investigated in case someone from town saw her visit him that night. The lack of kill last night would be either because they alternate killing (Lily was night 1 and Sam supposed to be night 2), have limited night kills (only kill every other night or something), or we have some sort of protector.
  4. mostlytechnic

    Main Street Mafia 3 - Day Three

    I will believe your claim for now, because it matches some things I know. I am a Parity Cop. I can investigate someone every night and learn if they have the same alignment as the person the night before. Night 1 I investigated Sam. At that point I only was told my investigation was successful, not blocked by anyone. Night 2 I investigated Heather. I was told they were of different alignments. That's why I was quick to lynch Sam - learning his alignment after being lynched would tell me Heather's. Since Sam was scum, Heather is town. I therefore know the scum has to either be Lily or Phil. If we lynch Phil today and both Lily and I are telling the truth, we should win (I can't imagine a 50:50 town:scum mix). If Phil does flip town, then Lily must be lying and we lynch her tomorrow. Yes, I could be the one lying, but I'm not. Unvote: Lily (Tariq J) Vote: Phil (Classic_Spaceman)
  5. mostlytechnic

    Main Street Mafia 3 - Day Three

    Doesn't the scum kill move when the killer is killed? The other scum should get the ability. It's also possible, given how few people this street has, that the scum only kill every other night or something like that. Whatever happened last night, I'm looking forward to the post-hunt discussion to understand some things! Doesn't the scum kill move when the killer is killed? The other scum should get the ability. It's also possible, given how few people this street has, that the scum only kill every other night or something like that. Whatever happened last night, I'm looking forward to the post-hunt discussion to understand some things! And as promised earlier today.... Vote: Lily (Tariq j)
  6. mostlytechnic

    Main Street Mafia 3 - Day Three

    Yes, but I was a second vote on Sam, not a 4th. If anything, I created the bandwagon, not jumped on it :) Phil was the 3rd, and I don't see a scummo being the lynching vote on a fellow scum, unless they thought it was sure enough Sam was getting voted out and he wanted to have it as a defense. So yet another WIFOM situation... and that's why I pinged on Phil as also a likely scum, just not as likely in my estimation as you.
  7. mostlytechnic

    Main Street Mafia 3 - Day Three

    It is mandatory, but it doesn't mean you have to just jump on the bandwagon. Putting a bonus vote onto someone that flips scum is by no means definitive, but it does ping on my scum-dar. And to the second part, that's the point of WIFOM - it keeps us going in circles but at some point you just have to make a call. Again, not definitive, but it's about all we have to go on.
  8. mostlytechnic

    Main Street Mafia 3 - Day Three

    Woo, we got one! So now we have some actual data to look at. Yesterday he was clearly getting lynched, so he threw a vote on Lily. Time for the regularly scheduled (almost as regularly scheduled as my mail delivery!) WIFOM debate. For those new, that means "wine in front of me," referring to the classic Princess Bride scene with the poisoned wine. Sam knows if Lily is scum or not... would he have voted for her to throw suspicion on her or to protect her? At a simple level, scum wouldn't want to vote for scum. But this was a safe vote, so would he vote for a fellow scum, hoping we'd think he would not vote for scum? Or would he know we'd think it was safe and suspect the person, so he voted for an innocent person? Ack! You can go round and round for days. Looking at day 1... He put the first vote of the day on me. It was a logical, normal, "Get this quiet person to talk" vote. Nothing really there and made him look like a good little townie. Next, there were two votes on Phil. Sam could have switched his vote to Phil, but he didn't. He changed it to someone with no votes. That makes me think Phil could be the other scummo. But maybe it was just too early in the day. In that case (Phil is innocent), then I would have to think that Lily is scum since she put a 3rd vote on Phil near the end of the day, trying to finish him off. But no one else was around I guess to join. I guess all that wordiness is to say.... my gut read with a little bit of vote analysis is that Heather is a fellow townie with me and either Phil or Lily is the scum. It's just a gut feel from looking at how the other days went. But then I look again at yesterday. Heather and I had voted for Sam. He was in definite danger. Phil put on vote 3, which doesn't feel like something a scum would have done. There was time to try and turn things around or at least split the vote. Lily put an un-needed 4th vote on Sam. THAT does feel like something his partner would do... so when the time comes, I'm going to be voting Lily today unless something else comes up. Thoughts from others?
  9. mostlytechnic

    Main Street Mafia 3 - Day Two

    I think we do need to make progress so we don't just die off from starvation. I'll join you, Heather, and Vote: Sam (Duvors)
  10. mostlytechnic

    Main Street Mafia 3 - Day Two

    Here was his vote. I believe the first line was speaking about me (not Phil), and not wanting to vote me off just for not being around. I believe he did mean to vote for Phil, since at that point, there was one vote on me (from Sam) and one vote on Phil (from me). He wanted to vote with one of the existing votes, in order to hopefully get a lynch and not have a split vote, so he went Phil.
  11. mostlytechnic

    Main Street Mafia 3 - Day Two

    #$%^@#, now where are we gonna eat? More seriously.... I didn't see anything suspicious in Robert's talk yesterday. Mostly about his restaurant, and then a vote with just "to get a lynch" reasoning. About as bland as you could get for day 1, but then, with so few of us, it's hard to get a good read on anyone.
  12. mostlytechnic

    Main Street Mafia 3 - Day One

    Yeah, did you vote for me by mistake here? You said Sam was suspicious but voted for me. Did you quote wrong or vote wrong? You confused me too. Are confused by Robert's vote on Phil "to get a lynch"? He did give a reason I guess, though it wasn't much of one.
  13. mostlytechnic

    Main Street Mafia 3 - Day One

    You mean the fewer people around to catch you? Importantly, anyone else gonna vote? We've only got 3 of 6 having voted, and those three are split. Not looking great....
  14. mostlytechnic

    Main Street Mafia 3 - Day One

    Man this town is quiet... guess that's what happens when there's only 6 of us hunting those mafia goons. When I've been on these hunts in the past there have been so many more people around. Guess all these lynchings and other hits have killed off too many people in this world :)
  15. mostlytechnic

    Main Street Mafia 3 - Day One

    Eeek! My apologies all, I've been making the rounds delivering the mail. I really am here to hunt mafia. And I give you my assurance that I want to see the Don rot in jail for ever and ever and anyone trying to help him escape should be hung from the nearest lightpole. In fact, I suggest that we use the Parisian Restaurant for that. Not inside - I enjoy the food and would not want to disturb the other patrons. But if you go up the stairs on the outside, there's a nice pole at the corner that could be swung around to hang those scum off the side. Uh, yeah, that's why we're here! We've got the find those mafia and murder them. Ok, we call it "lynching" as if that sounds better.... but still, find them and string them up from the lightpole. Or a tree. Or just shoot 'em in the head. Doesn't really matter. For now though, I will Vote: Phil (Classic_Spaceman) It feels like maybe you're not up to the task. Or maybe you're trying to avoid the killing because you're one of them and hoping you can just pick us off at night while you come up with a rescue plan.