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About tomek9210

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    I joined EB to learn Technic building techniques from the best :)

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  1. Really the difference is so huge? Thanks!
  2. Hi, How hard is the Daytona shock absorber compared to the extra hard 9.5L yellow/black one? Thanks!
  3. Then change big shocks to small ones. It's doable but challenging for sure.
  4. Why RWD when the quattro drivetrain is the best feature of Audi's cars?
  5. Why does the rear axle have wrong setup? The pivot points of the upper and lower arms are not in line with cv joint...
  6. What about putting 16 tooth gear on the same axle as 24 tooth gear on the bottom and use is to drive chain (use 16 tooth gears on top then). It would extend one stud to the front though.
  7. Wishbone ball joints on the wheelhub and CV joint are not in line. That may cause problems.
  8. tomek9210

    [MOC] BMW X3

    Wonderful job, very agressive look, I love it. Any chance for a video or more pictures? How did you manage to get the power distribution between axles?
  9. Pretend they are winter wheels, something like 17" on a bmw 5 series :)
  10. What about 42110 Defender modifications in terms of chassis and suspension?
  11. I prefer bigger tire sidewall but overall better tire proportions over the tires that look nowhere close to widest supercar's tires.
  12. Again, you can use 81,6 mm tires and they are perfect for regular car in 1:8 scale.
  13. They are the same size as Porsche, Lambo or Chiron wheels. Diameter of the tire is the same, but they are more narrow and then more realistic for 'normal cars'.