
Eurobricks Knights
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About Jockos

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    Technic, Star Wars

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  1. Times change..sadly not in a good way. Maybe Volvo changed, too.
  2. Hats off, well done! I wouldn't have figured it out myself..
  3. If I translated correctly, the description mentions bad news. What can it be, do you know?
  4. Oh, you're right, I didn't notice at first! Maybe the piece there is longer than just 2M, so that's why there isn't this toilet paper
  5. I bet it's because of logistical/economical reasons. These toilet paper panels would be the only place where they are used, and the blue liftarms are elsewhere, too, so it's easier to put the latter here.
  6. Well, not just two, but four buckets were used in 7707. Yeah, it wasn't based on real life machinery.. but the use of two buckets can mean two separate models.
  7. Fortunately we got the 3x13 panels in the Peugeot. Edit: no, we didn't get them there, sorry :(
  8. Yes, but actually I meant the same scale of the vehicle to the figure. Or vice versa.
  9. Nice to see the Jesko has an opening back. Now that is an awesome 'hidden' feature! If only there were more compatibilities...
  10. Same here. I have the definite urge to buy it. :D And eventually the Mars rover, too.
  11. Can be, or to rotate while pulling out the door.
  12. I like that shorter mudguard panel And it has finally a differential
  13. No, it's directly connected to the door's axle
  14. It would indeed be a big bonus, but I shouldn't be too optimistic about that. Seeing recent years I realised licensed themes/models (Technic on top) don't really get the freedom to maximise their sets in functions/looks. I want to be pleasantly surprised, though.