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Plugging really great artists drawing lego fanart (Lego Movie Spoilers

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So on tumblr, there's a few artists who got really hype about the lego movie and are producing some really great art for it. I'm a (rank) amateur artist, and I like seeing pictures of legos as well as just legos. The figures are really cute and easily fit cartoony expression. So... this page is mostly me hilighting other artists doing really great art featuring legos. This will probably be Lego Movie heavy. So first artist on the list: Billy Buckaroo! She's a talented artist with a real knack for cartoony design and movement. She also really. REALLY. Likes lord business. I highly recommend checking out her other stuff aside from Lego, which can be seen here.

But, here's the stuff worth posting up here, a sampling of some of her best stuff, in my opinion.


Some choice good cop/bad cop interracting with other characters, including the best character in the movie, the chair.


Her self insert fan character (fan figure?) in three different outfits: her work outfit, her civilian outfit and her cloud cuckooland outfit, which she considers her master builder alter ego. Really cool stuff!


Like I said, she really likes Lord Business. Also, picture of the other best character in the movie, Bizniss Kitty!

Here is a link to her lego only tag as well. There's lots of gifs and image posts, along with her lego centric fanart. I'll probably be doing this for other artists as they come along my monitor.

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