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Solitary Dark

Green H2 Hummer Based on Ratchet

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This chap featured in another post and was inspired by RATCHET as he will appear in Transformers 3.



and the inspiration


A couple of commentors said nice things about this fellow so I thought he deserved his own topic.

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Very nice! I was gonna say it looked like Rachet in your other topic, but I forgot what his name was :grin:

I really like this a lot. It's probably your best vehicle yet! :thumbup:

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Excellent Hummer 'mookage' but shouldn't the front end be light bluey grey like the real one pictured ? :wink:

Still it's pretty sweet looking - great detailing on your keep up the cool work and I'm a conformist! ! :sweet:

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That was a beauty , the first time i saw it and it reminds me of the Hero in Transformer. Nice and i love it. :wub:

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So I was right! This lime truck you partially featured in your other topic is based on Ratchet. This one really looks great, you got all the basic elements of the Ratchet Hummer right. I'm glad to finally see this in MF-scale, as this vehicle is my most favorite among the Autobots. Truly impressive work mookage! :thumbup:

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