ADHO15 Posted December 11, 2009 Posted December 11, 2009 Hello all. The game should be ready to start very soon, but trawling back through over 15 pages of posts to find updates and pictures from different dates for each player is very difficult and confusing, so I've decided to make this thread. If you are all ready to go, make ONE post here containing your final or most recent army pics and your troop positions along with their weapons. This will make it much easier for me to see where each person is up to and it'll also be much easier to collect the info. If you still have to update what you've posted, just edit the post. DO NOT MAKE A NEW POST! Be sure to tell me in the discussion thread that you have done so. Ideally, by now, you shouldn't have any updates to make and you should be ready to play. Sorry if this is an inconvenience for you, but it's much easier for you to collect your own indiviual info together in one place than for me to do that for everyone. Thanks.
CommanderFox Posted December 11, 2009 Posted December 11, 2009 (edited) Hey ADHO! Here's my army pics. And my troop positions are: AT-OT: 1 Pilot, 6 troopers, 2 Jet troopers, R2, Chewie, Commander Fox, Obi-Wan, Anakin skywalker, Captain Rex, Yoda. TX-130: Pilot, Gunner. Missle walker: Gunner, clone trooper. Missle walker 2: Gunner, clone trooper. Missle walker 3: 1 clone trooper, 1 clone pilot. AT-RT: I think in the pics the clone piloting it is a Recon trooper, so I'll stick with him being in the AT-RT. Speeder from 7655: 1 Shock Trooper, 1 Star Corps Trooper. Hope this is all okay. CommanderFox Edited March 7, 2010 by CommanderFox
JimBee Posted December 12, 2009 Posted December 12, 2009 29 BDs (all with pistols/ rifles) 5 SBDs 3 Assassin Droids (all with snipers) 2 Elite Assasin Droids (both with pistols/ rifles) 1 Pilot Droid (ignore the pistol he's holding) 3 Pilot Battle Droids (all with pistols/ rifles) 2 Commander Battle Droids (both with pistols/ rifles) 2 Security Battle droids (both with snipers) 1 Droidika 2 Magna Guards General Greivous Count Dooku Asajj Ventress Count Dooku MTT Hailfire Tank Dwarf Spider Droid Comm. Transport Spider Droid Assassin Droid Speeder Count Dooku's Speeder STAP Droid Transport Bloodfin Troop Placements (subject to change): MTT: Dooku, 1 Pilot Battle Droid, 15 Battle Droids, 4 SBDs, 1 MagnaGuard Droid Transport: 1 Pilot Battle Droid, 1 Security Battle Droid, 3 Battle Droids, 1 SBD STAP: 1 Security Battle Droid Comm. Transport: 1 Pilot Droid, 1 Battle Droid Dooku's Speeder: Assajj Ventress Assassin Droid Speeder: 1 Elite Assassin Droid, 1 Assassin Droid Bloodfin (if available): Greivous Reinforcements: 10 BDs 2 Commander BDs 1 MagnaGuard 1 Elite Assassin Droid 2 Assassin Droids
Oky Posted December 12, 2009 Posted December 12, 2009 (edited) Alright, so here is mine: Update 1 Update 2 Update 3 Update 4 Update 5 Grievous (with Lightsaber and pistol), Dooku (w/ LS), Assajj Ventress (w/ LS), Palpy (w/ LS), and Gunray (with pistol) 4 Magna Guards with electrostaffs. 66 BDs (66 with rifles, 2 with snipers) 5 Pilot BDs with pistols 1 Pilot droid 4 Security BDs with snipers 5 Rocket BDs with snipers 1 Rocket BD Commander with sniper 2 Commander BDs with rifles 15 SBDs 6 HSBDs 6 Assassin Droids with snipers 4 Assassin Droid Elites with snipers 2 Droidekas 2 Dwarf Spider Droid 1 MTT 2 AATs 1 HSD 1 Hailfire 2 Assassin Droid Bikes 2 com. transports 4 Bloodfin 2 Snail tanks 3 Dooku's speederbikes 4 droid transports 6 STAPs Troop positions: MTT: Commander BD, 15 BDs, 6 SBDs AAT 1: Commander BD, 5 BDs AAT 2: HSBD, 5 BDs Transport 1: Pilot BD, 3 Rocket BDs (all with snipers), SBD, HSBD Transport 2: Pilot BD, 4 BD, BD with sniper Transport 3: Pilot BD, 4 BD, BD with sniper Transport 4: Pilot BD, 2 Rocket BDs with snipers, Rocket BD Commander with sniper, SBD, HSBD Com. Transport 1: Magna Guard, Darth Sidious Com. Transport 2: Magna Guard, Gunray Dooku's speederbike 1: Dooku Dooku's speederbike 2: Grievous Dooku's speederbike 3: Assajj Ventress Assassin Droid Bike 1: Assassin Droid Elite with sniper as pilot and a BD as gunner Assassin Droid Bike 2: Assassin Droid Elite with sniper as pilot and a BD as gunner Bloodfin 1: Assassin Droid Elite (with sniper) Bloodfin 2: HSBD Bloodfin 3: HSBD Bloodfin 4: Assassin Droid Elite (with sniper) STAP 1: Assassin Droid (with sniper) STAP 2: Assassin Droid (with sniper) STAP 3: Assassin Droid (with sniper) STAP 4: Assassin Droid (with sniper) STAP 5: Assassin Droid (with sniper) STAP 6: Assassin Droid (with sniper) Edited May 16, 2010 by Oky Wan Kenobi
Bob Posted December 13, 2009 Posted December 13, 2009 (edited) Troop Positions: AT-TE: 1 Plo Koon, and eight clones Speeder: 1 pilot, and one clone Communications Transport: 1 Senator Farr, One Mace Windu Swamp Speeder: Commander Fox and One Clone Republic Speeder Bike: One Swamp Trooper Missile Walker: One clone gunner and one clone trooper Leaves: Yoda, C3PO, R2-D2, Rex, Cody, and a Wookie Warrior. Republic Units: 10 Phase One Clonetroopers 10 Phase Two Clonetroopers 1 Phase One Clone Pilot 1 Swamp Trooper 1 Commander Fox 1 Captain Rex 1 Commander Cody Republic Heros: 1 Plo Koon 1 Senator Farr 1 C3PO 1 R2-D2 1 Mace Windu 1 Yoda Republic Vehicles 1 AT-TE 1 Speeder from the 2007 Clone Battlepack 1 Swamp Speeder or ISP 1 Clone Walker from the 2009 Clone Battlepack 1 Command Station ---- Can't wait to start! Although I have a feeling my army is going to be destroyed... Edited December 13, 2009 by Bob the Construction Man
-JD- Posted December 13, 2009 Posted December 13, 2009 (edited) Troop Positions AAT 1 - 1 Pilot, 1 Commander (4 R.SBD Units) AAT 2- 1 Pilot, 1 Commander (4 SBD Units) AAT 3- 1 Pilot, 1 Commander (2 SBD Units, 2 Rocket Droids) Droid Transport 1- 1 BD piloting, 4 BD units, 2 IG Droids Droid Transport 2- 1 BD piloting, 6 SBD Units Droid Transport 3- 1 BD Piloting, 4 Geonosians, 2 BDs Droid Transport 4- 1 BD Piloting, 3 MagnaGuards, Ventress MTT- 1 Commander, Gunray (20 BD Units) COM Transport- Pilot Droid, Sidious Dooku Speeder - Dooku Dooku Speeder- BD STAPs -BD (x17) Bloodfin 1- Elite IG Droid Bloodfin 2- Buzz Droid Bloodfin 3- Buzz Droid Assassin Bike- 1 IG Droid, 1 Elite IG droid Wheelbike- MagnaGuard Wheelbike- Grievous 6 Droidekas Leaves: 1 Commander, 2 R.SBDs, 6 Security BDs, 2 Geonosians, 7 SBDs, 41 BDs, 4 Geo BDs, 3 Droidekas and 1 Rocket Droid, 1 Buzz Droid Pictures In there are: 89 Battle Droids (2 with rifles) 4 Geo Battle Droids 6 Geonosians 3 Rocket Battle Droids 5 Commanders (three missing blasters which are on a movie set) 6 Security Battle Droids 3 Pilots 9 Droidekas (one from MTT) 19 Super Battle Droids 6 Rocket Arm Super Battle Droids 4 Magna Guards 6 IG Class Assassin Droids 1 Buzz Droid 17 STAPs Comm Transport 3 AATs 5 Droid Tanks 2 Homing Spider Droids 3 Spider Droids MTT 2 Hailfires 2 Wheelbikes 1 IG Droid Speeder 4 Droid Transports/Carriers (from BPs) 2 Dooku Speeders Edited December 13, 2009 by Jammiedodger714
Forresto Posted December 17, 2009 Posted December 17, 2009 (edited) Here's my proof of my ownership of a commander Fox figure, I still have'nt gotten him back. Troopers 20xClone Trooopers__rifles 4xClone Gunners__pistols 4xRecon Troopers__2 rifles,2 snipers 3xSwamp Troopers__rifles 1xKashyyk Trooper__sniper 8xStar Corps Troopers__6 rifles,2 snipers 8xShock Troopers__6 rifles,2 snipers 3xWookie Warriors__bowcasters 2xClone Pilots Commanders/Jedi/heroes Captain Rex__pistols Commander Fox__pistols Chewbacca__Bowcaster Yoda__Lightsaber Plo Koon__Lightsaber Anakin__lightsaber Ashoka__Lightsaber Obi-Wan__lightsaber Onaconda Farr R2-D2 C-3PO Vehicles 1xAT-TE 1xTX-1305 fighter tank 1xSwamp Speeder 1xAT-RT 3xSpeeders 3xMissle Walkers 1xCommunications transport Positions Vehicles 1xAT-TE 1 Clone pilot, 1 clone gunner, 4 clone troopers, Anakin, Ashoka 1xTX-1305 fighter tank 1 Clone pilot, 1 Clone gunner 1xSwamp Speeder 2 Clone troopers 1xAT-RT 1 Kashyyk trooper 3xSpeeders Plo Koon, 2 wookies 3xMissle Walkers each carries 1 swamp trooper and 1 clone trooper 1xCommunications transport Yoda, Onaccanda Farr Reinforcements 13xClone Trooopers__rifles 2xClone Gunners__pistols 4xRecon Troopers__2 rifles,2 snipers 8xStar Corps Troopers__6 rifles,2 snipers 8xShock Troopers__6 rifles,2 snipers 1xWookie Warrior__bowcasters VIVA LA REPUBLICA! Edited December 17, 2009 by Forresto
General Magma Posted December 23, 2009 Posted December 23, 2009 (edited) Here are my army pics. (Throw out the Sith Infiltrator and the Grievous starfighter) Troop type - weapon(s) BD Commander x2 - 1 blaster, 1 sniper rifle BD Security x2 - all w/blasters BD Pilot x2 - all unarmed BD Regular x38 - 36 w/blasters, 2 w/sniper rifles SBD Regular x10 - all w/wrist blasters (in arm) SBD Rocket x3 - all w/rocket launcher (in arm) MagnaGuard x2 - all w/electrostaff Hero - weapon(s) Darth Sidious - lightsaber Count Dooku - lightsaber Asajj Ventress - lightsaber x2 General Grievous - lightsaber x3, pistol Vehicles MTT x1 AAT x1 Droid transport x2 Dwarf Spider Droid x1 Homing Spider Droid x1 Hailfire Droid x1 Bloodfin x1 COM Transport x1 Troop positions AAT - BD Commander 1, blaster rifle + BD Pilot 1 (unarmed) MTT - BD Commander 2, sniper rifle + BD Pilot 2 (unarmed) + 20 BDs Regular with blaster rifles Droid transport 1 & 2 - BD Regular 1 & 2, sniper rifles and 5 more BD regular for 1, blaster rifle COM Transport - Darth Sidious, lightsaber + BD Regular, blaster rifle Bloodfin - Count Dooku, lightsaber Dwarf Sp. Droid - None needed Homing Sp. Droid - None needed Hailfire Droid - None needed All other 10 Battle Droids and 2 MagnaGuards are ground units or reinforcements. Same for Asajj Ventress, General Grievous and all SBDs. Hope this is fine, if not then please PM me, ~General Magma Edited October 13, 2010 by General Magma
The Legonater Posted January 8, 2010 Posted January 8, 2010 (edited) I'd like to join, but I have a few questions first. Edited January 8, 2010 by The Legonater
The Legonater Posted February 13, 2010 Posted February 13, 2010 (edited) Here it is: Vehicles: AAT PAC Wheelbike Spider Droid Dwarf Spider Droid Hailfire STAP (2) Bloodfin Dooku's Bike Assasin Droid Bike Snail Droid Minifigs: Droidika: 2 Assajj: 1, two lightsabers Gerivous: 1, three lightsaber, 1 pistol Dooku:1, Lightsaber Sidious: 1, Lightsaber HSBD: 3 SBD: 7 Assasin Droid: 3; 2 snipers, 1 rifle Elite Assasin Droid: 2; 1 Sniper, 1 rifle Geonosian: 2; 1 sniper, 1 rifle Nute Gunray: 1; Pistol Buzz Droid: 1 Pilot Battle Droids: 2; Pistols Commander BD: 3; 2 sniper, 1 rifle Security BD: 1: Sniper Magnaguard: 2; Electrostaffs Battle Droids: 19; 11 snipers, rest rifles Troop Position AAT: Commander BD (Rifle) , Pilot BD, Geonosian (Both), Buzz Droids, HSBD Assasin Bike: Assasin Elte (Rifle) Assasin Droid: (Rifle) PAC: Pilot BD, HSBD (2), Magna Droid (2) Commander BD (2) Bloodfin: Sidious Dooku's Bike: Dooku Wheel Bike: Gerivous STAP: Gunray STAP 2: Assajj I think that's it Edited July 13, 2010 by The Legonater
Captain Genaro Posted February 20, 2010 Posted February 20, 2010 Okay so here are my troop placements 1 trooper on the BARC speeder. 2 gunners and Yoda in the AT-AP Comm. Fox Obi Wan, Mace, Plo, Anakin Ashoka, Comm. Cody and Capt. Rex in the AT-TE 1 Star corps and 1 shock per republic speeder bike (3) 2 gunners per missle walker (4) 2 troopers in the Com. Transport. Everyone else is reinforcement right? Hope this is correct. Pictures
CheeseyWob Posted May 16, 2010 Posted May 16, 2010 Here is my army. Clones - 978th Battalion - 102 Normal Troopers 25 Pilots CIS- 69 Battle Droids 2 Magnaguards Greivous 28 Super Battle Droids 6 Command Droids 5 Pilot Droids 1 Spider Droid Thing 4 Persuader-class droid enforcers
Masked Builder Posted September 28, 2010 Posted September 28, 2010 (edited) Okay so here's my army: There are a few more pictures here. Vehicles: 1 AT-TE 1 A6 Juggernaut 3 Missile Walker's 1 CK-6 Swoop 1 Republic speeder bike 1 Com. Transport Infantry: Obi-Wan – Lightsaber Anakin - Lightsaber Asoka - Lightsaber Plo Koon - Lightsaber Mace Windu – Lightsaber Kit Fisto – lightsaber 2 Senate Commandos– Sniper Rifle Chancellor Palpatine – Pistol Onaconda Farr – Pistol R2-D2 C-3PO Chewbacca – Bowcaster Commander Cody – Blaster Rifle Captain Rex – Sniper Rifle 2 Jet Troopers – Sniper Rifle 4 Clone Pilots – Blaster Rifle 2 Clone Gunners – Blaster Rifle 2 Shock Troopers – Blaster Rifle Star Corps Trooper – Blaster Rifle 10 Clone Troopers – Blaster Rifle 2 Clone Troopers – Sniper Rifle AT-RT Trooper - Blaster Rifle Troop Positions: AT-TE: Clone pilot, Asoka, Mace Windu, Clone Gunner, 4 Clone Troopers Clone Turbo Tank: 2 Shock Troopers, Plo Koon, Anakin, Captain Rex, C-3PO, R2-D2, Star Corps Trooper, Clone pilot, Jet trooper Missile Walker #1: Cloner trooper, Clone Gunner Missile Walker #2: 2 Clone troopers Missile Walker #3: 1 Clone Trooper (sniper rifle), 1 Clone trooper (Blaster Rifle) CK-6 Swoop: Senate Commando Republic speeder bike: AT-RT Trooper, Chewbacca Com. Transport: Palpatine, Senate Commando Reserves: Obi-Wan Kit Fisto Commander Cody Jet Trooper 2 Clone Pilot Senate Commando Clone Trooper (Sniper Rifle) 2 Clone Troopers (blaster rifles) Onaconda Farr I think that's right.... Edited September 30, 2010 by Masked Builder
Walter Kovacs Posted September 28, 2010 Posted September 28, 2010 (edited) Looks like I have to get off my megablocks and take a photo or three I ran into a snag this weekend when I went to do this. I had forgotten that I dismantled my 7662 MTT, and I'm not about to jump into battle without that piece of equipment. I also need to track down a few random troopers (like the droideka and SBDs from the original RGS). So a little more patience, please. EDIT:Done! Finally. Who knew these 7 pictures would be so difficult to produce? Overall: Battle Droids: Rocket Battle Droids, Assassin Droids & Droidekas: Commanders & SBDs: Vehicles Part 1: Vehicles Part 2: Vehicles Part 3: I tried to overlap the vehicles photos as much as I could. Edit: Close-ups of the weapons for vrification: Also, some new recruits fresh from the factory. They should be available for round 2: Vehicles: 2 AAT 2 MTT 1 IG-227 Hailfire Droid 2 Assassin Droid Bike 1 Platoon Attack Craft 5 Droid Transport 1 NR-N99 Persuader-class Droid Enforcer 9 STAP 1 OG-9 Homing Spider Droid 1 Dooku Speeder Bike 1 DSD1 Dwarf Spider Droid 1 Communications Transport Rank and File: 4 Pilot Battle Droids (unarmed) 15 Battle Droids (unarmed) 2 Security Battle Droids (with Sniper Rifles) 2 Commander Battle Droids (unarmed) 28 Battle Droids (with Blasters) 2 Geonosian Battle Droids (with Old Style Blasters) 24 Battle Droids (with Old Style Blasters) 1 Rocket Droid Commander (with Blaster) 5 Rocket Droids (with Blasters) 2 Buzz Droids 4 Droideka 2 Elite Assassin Droids (with Sniper Rifles) 2 Elite Assassin Droids (with Blasters) 2 Assassin Droids (with Sniper Rifles) 4 Assassin Droids (with Blasters) 2 Geonosians (with Old Style Blasters) 4 Magnaguards 3 Blue Super Battle Droids 3 Super Battle Droids with Blaster Arm 17 Super Battle Droids Commanders: General Grevious Asaaj Ventress Count Dooku Nute Gunray Deployment: MTT 1: 1 Pilot Droid (unarmed) 20 Battle Droids (with Blasters) Asaaj Ventress MTT 2: 1 Pilot Droid (unarmed) 20 Battle Droids (with Old Style Blasters) General Grevious AAT 1: 1 Pilot Battle Droid (unarmed) 1 Commander Battle Droid (unarmed) 4 Super Battle Droids AAT 2: 1 Pilot Battle Droid (unarmed) 1 Commander Battle Droid (unarmed) 4 Super Battle Droids Platoon Attack Craft: 1 Battle Droid (unarmed) 6 Battle Droids (with Blasters) Assassin Droid Bike 1: 1 Elite Assassin Droid (with Blaster) 1 Assassin Droid (with Blaster) Assassin Droid Bike 2: 1 Elite Assassin Droid (with Blaster) 1 Assassin Droid (with Blaster) STAP 1: 1 Battle Droid (unarmed) STAP 2: 1 Battle Droid (unarmed) STAP 3: 1 Battle Droid (unarmed) STAP 4: 1 Battle Droid (unarmed) STAP 5: 1 Battle Droid (unarmed) STAP 6: 1 Battle Droid (unarmed) STAP 7: 1 Battle Droid (unarmed) STAP 8: 1 Battle Droid (unarmed) STAP 9: 1 Battle Droid (unarmed) Droid Transport 1: 1 Battle Droid (unarmed) 1 Security Battle Droid (with Sniper Rifle) 1 Assassin Droid (with Sniper Rifle) 1 Heavy Super Battle Droid 2 Super Battle Droids Droid Transport 2: 1 Battle Droid (unarmed) 1 Security Battle Droid (with Sniper Rifle) 1 Assassin Droid (with Sniper Rifle) 1 Heavy Super Battle Droid 2 Super Battle Droids Droid Transport 3: 1 Pilot Battle Droid (unarmed) 1 Elite Assassin Droid (with Sniper Rifle) 1 Assassin Droid (with Blaster) 1 Heavy Super Battle Droid 2 Super Battle Droids Droid Transport 4: 1 Pilot Battle Droid (unarmed) 1 Elite Assassin Droid (with Sniper Rifle) 1 Assassin Droid (with Blaster) 3 Super Battle Droids Droid Transport 5: 1 Battle Droid (unarmed) 2 Battle Droids (with Blasters) 2 Super Battle Droids 1 Geonosian (with old style Blaster) Dooku Speeder Bike: Count Dooku Communications Transport: 1 Battle Droid (unarmed) Nute Gunray Hailfire Droid Homing Spider Droid Dwarf Homing Spider Droid Snail Tank 4 Droideka That should leave: 2 Battle Droids (with Blaster) 6 Battle Droids (with Old style Blasters) 1 Geonosian (with old style Blaster) 5 Rocket Droids (with Blaster) 1 Rocket Droid Commander (with Blaster) 1 Super Battle Droids 4 Magnaguard 2 Buzz Droids to fill in the gaps on the ground. Or as reserves, if they don't fit. Edited October 24, 2010 by Walter Kovacs
The Penguin Posted October 7, 2010 Posted October 7, 2010 (edited) Let us start then! ) Pics here. Grievous, Dooku, Assajj Ventress, Palpatine Nute Gunray 456 BDs 111 SBDs 2 Geonosians 6 Magna guards 6 buzz-droids 20 Pilot BDs 15 Security BDs 21 Rocket BDs 2 Rocket BD Commander 15 Commander BDs 30 HSBDs 10 Assassin Droids 10 Assassin Droid Elites 2 Droidekas 9 Dwarf Spider Droid 1 MTT 10 AATs 5 HSD 9 Hailfire 1 com. transports 6 Snail tanks 1 Dooku's speederbikes 3 droid transports 4 STAPs As for troiops positions, let's make them like in the test game, shall we? ) Good day, ladies and gentlemen! ) Edited October 10, 2010 by The Penguin
RvB Posted February 13, 2011 Posted February 13, 2011 (edited) My army pics here.Nothing to fancy. Edited February 14, 2011 by RvB
RvB Posted February 14, 2011 Posted February 14, 2011 (edited) On 2/13/2011 at 7:29 PM, RvB said: My army pics here.Nothing to fancy. Sorry link doesn't work just click on it and delete the http thing on top. If that doesn't work do it again. (EDIT) ADHO told me to post this:5 clones in the AT-TE and Anakin. Yoda in my Turbo Tank another 3 cloes to keep him company and R2D2.My shock trooper on my ISP. 4 clones in my AT-OT C3P0 Obi Wan Kenobi and Luminara in my AT-OT. Ayala in my speeder bike. Random clones in my missle walkers. Oh and Palpy and senate commando in my command center. I have like 19 clones . Heres some pics(EDIT) This why you guys should't let a noob post pics. Edited February 17, 2011 by RvB
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